Establishing a Hybrid Family Office to Serve a Multigenerational Family with Ned Rollhaus and Luke Jernagan
Publish Date: Thursday, Mar 14, 2024
Today, it is my pleasure to speak with Ned Rollhaus and Luke Jernagan of Matter Family Office, a purpose-driven multi-family office firm serving multigenerational families of wealth. Ned is a Partner at Matter and sees himself as a thought partner, coach, and facilitator for families at every stage of their wealth journey, dedicated to helping them navigate the complexities and responsibilities of wealth over multiple generations. Luke is the Director of Family Learning at Matter, and in that capacity, he works with families to strengthen their relationships, communicate effectively, and identify what matters most to them, so they can thrive as individuals and together.
In their work with families, especially as they evolve from being G1- or founder-led to involving broader groups of owners across generations, Ned and Luke have seen an emerging trend toward what they refer to as “hybrid” family offices – as in a hybrid between a single-family office (SFO) and a multi-family office (MFO). They share their definition of a hybrid FO, describe how this emerging model works, and go over the benefits of a Hybrid FO and the reasons why families are increasingly gravitating toward this model.
Ned and Luke then offer some practical considerations and tips for family principals and leaders who are considering a hybrid FO, highlighting the situations in which owners should consider this structure and the factors they should be aware of and/or watch out for. They also offer suggestions and recommendations for FO executives who may have to evaluate this hybrid FO model, select the external MFO partners, and determine what services should be provided on which side of the hybrid divide, as well as what role they should play as FO executives in this model.
Don’t miss this instructive conversation with two of the foremost thinkers and practitioners in the MFO space and the purposeful planning movement.