Thought Leadership

Common Pain Points

Benefit from the Expertise of our Invaluable Team Members and Leading Advisors

For decades, FOX has created and collected a library of thought leadership aimed at supporting industry experts and providing members with the expertise and resources needed to succeed in an ever-changing climate.

Frequent Insights and Answers

With over 30 years of experience, we at FOX have discovered that while every family is different, many experience the same obstacles and challenges across their journey.

As a result, we have compiled a collection of common pain points that members of our community face. For more information on any of these topics and answers on how FOX can help, do not hesitate to contact us.

Since 1989

Providing objective guidance and thoughtful solutions to families, their offices, and their advisors for over 30 years.

Insights and Solutions

The family office is a unique family business created by and for a single family to provide tailored wealth management solutions - from accounting to investments to philanthropy - in an integrated fashion across multiple generations while promoting and preserving the family's identity, unity, and values.

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