For income earned in 2025 and tax returns filed in 2026, this tax planning reference guide provides information on the tax rate schedules, exemptions, and contributions to savings plans. Check with your advisors to see if you need to make any adjustments regarding your tax efficiency, wealth planning, retirement planning, philanthropic strategics, and business and estate planning.
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Despite a lack of economic optimism for 2025, business owners are forging ahead with big plans and hope that their businesses continue to thrive for the next 100 years. With a look toward the future, this benchmark report provides an inside view of how a wide range of business owners and entrepreneurs are navigating dynamic economic and technological landscapes.
For many affluent families, risk management has become less a matter of how much insurance premiums will cost and more an issue of how much financial risk they are willing and able to accept. In an ever-shifting risk environment where families are assuming higher levels of exposure, families will need to be increasingly cognizant of potential risks in their lives and take proactive steps to safeguard their loved ones, assets, personal data, and financial security.
The myriad of challenges in 2024 significantly impacted operations, budgeting, and workforce management for all organizations in 2025. Leveraging strategic solutions will be essential for optimizing benefits, controlling costs, and supporting employees’ overall well-being in 2025.
Emerging markets (EMs) remain an efficient gateway to powerful secular themes, from technology-driven transformations to consumer growth stories. However, expectations of higher U.S. interest rates and a stronger dollar are likely to challenge EM currencies and investor sentiment in 2025, and the 2024 U.S. election introduced a new layer of uncertainty. While EMs present a landscape of opportunity amid increasing macroeconomic headwinds, investors should be prepared for uneven outcomes across regions.
With the U.S. election results in 2024 setting the stage for significant changes in tax legislation, the administration is expected to prioritize extending the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) and potentially repealing parts of the Inflation Reduction Act, which may lead to adjustments in corporate taxes and individual tax provisions. As we navigate these changes, it is important for individuals and businesses to stay informed and proactive in their planning approach.
The insurance market outlook for 2025 shows stabilization in several areas, with continued challenges and evolving risks across property, casualty, executive and professional risk, aviation, environmental, and international lines. In a dynamic yet cautious market, insurers are adapting to changing conditions, regulatory pressures, and emerging threats. Moving forward, organizations are encouraged to utilize risk control strategies to present their accounts favorably to insurance carriers, and to leverage all available tools to align asset values with industry standards.
Growth is at the top of the menu for finance leaders as Grant Thornton’s CFO survey shows that the uncertainty associated with the U.S. election in 2024 has given way to unrestrained optimism about the U.S. economy and meeting business goals. Other results from the survey were broadly aligned with high growth expectations—and with the transformation to an increasingly digital landscape that has been a focus for CFOs for the past few years. As CFOs look ahead, the environment appears to favor investment in growth.
When evaluating Family Enterprise Advisors, you need to feel confident in the advisor’s competency, objectivity, and responsiveness to your needs. Giving someone access to the most significant parts of your life can be challenging, which is why following four key tips will help with your advisor selection and choose a trustworthy advisor you can rely on to get the results you need.
Get ready to comply with the five new data privacy laws that will come into effect in January 2025 in Delaware, Nebraska, Iowa, New Hampshire, and New Jersey. With the active enforcement by several states’ Attorneys General and a trend toward broader applicability, data privacy compliance is becoming increasingly important and complex. Companies should carefully evaluate whether they are subject to any laws coming into effect and take steps to ensure compliance.