2025 FOX Winter Technology and Risk Management Days


Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 - 10:00am
Friday, Feb 21, 2025 - 03:00pm

The FOX Winter Technology and Risk Management Days feature Technology and Risk Management Resource Partners presenting directly to the FOX membership. Join us to hear from a variety of risk management solutions in cyber, personal, and physical security as well as technology solutions in a combination of areas such as philanthropy, investing, accounting and more.  

FOX resource partners will showcase a combination of Thought Leadership Presentations, Panel Discussions, and Solution Demonstrations to give members a thorough and current understanding of the many advancements available to optimize their offices.  


    About the Event

    Take advantage of the opportunity to:

    • Hear from leading experts within the risk management and security industry, focusing on how cyber, physical, and personal security will continue to evolve and integrate within the everyday life of wealth owners and the offices that serve them.
    • Learn about family office industry technology solutions and services through panel discussions, demonstrations of product updates, and thought leadership presentations
    • Connect with peers facing the same challenges as you

    Who Should Attend

    The FOX Winter Technology and Cyber & Security Days event is open to all FOX members and is included with your membership.

    Full agenda to be announced by the end of January.   To view last year's agenda and topics, please visit the 2024 FOX Winter Technology and Risk Management Days event page.


    Kent Lawson
    Director, Technology Integration Services

    Kent Lawson is Director of Technology Integration Services at Family Office Exchange (FOX). With 25 years of experience as a leader in the wealth management industry, and a deep focus in technology for the family office, Kent’s expertise in consulting, project management, analysis, and diligence around technology drives the FOX Technology Marketplace.

    Prior to joining FOX, Kent had an established relationship with FOX as a market leader and as a member. Through his previous role with an enterprise family office and as a contributor to FOX forums, Kent brings over a decade of experience serving at the executive level within a single family office. His expertise in wealth management spans a variety of disciplines, including investment operations, technology, and compliance via working with RIAs, the SEC, and Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). He also served as a business analyst and consultant for Advent Software, as COO of a trust company, and other technology solution vendors. Kent also founded an outsource COO firm in the wealth management industry providing strategic leadership as a trusted advisor.

    With a degree in Music Performance from Ball State University, Kent spent his early years performing as a jazz saxophonist and married another musician, which led him to his “day job” within the wealth industry as a part-time file clerk with an RIA. His background in creativity and thinking outside the box provided the foundation needed for designing innovative solutions in business process and technology making him perfectly suited for the family office industry.

    Areas of Expertise: Technology Integration

    Frequently Asked Questions


    About the event: 

    How many vendors will I be able to see at the FOX Winter Technology and Risk Management Days? 

    We will announce the FOX Winter Technology and Risk Management Days agenda during the first week of February where you will see the final number of providers. Please stay tuned to the website to see our FOX Winter Technology and Risk Management Days Providers as they are added to the program. 

    I would like to participate in the FOX Winter Technology and Risk Management Days as a vendor, who do I contact? 

    Please email Kent Lawson, CTO and Director, Technology at klawson@familyoffice.com 

    Will you be offering CPE credits at the FOX Winter Technology and Risk Management Days? 

    CPE Credits will not be available at the event. 


    Accessing the Program: 

    Where is the Program and how do I access it? 

    The program is taking place virtually and can be accessed via our portal. Information on accessing the portal will be emailed to you prior to the event. For access assistance please email events@familyoffice.com. You must be registered to access the event. 

    How do I log in? 

    To log in, you will need the email address you used to register for the event. Once you enter your first name, last name, and email address on the login screen, you will be sent a verification code to your email address. Once you enter your verification code, you will have access. 

    Please note: once you have entered your email address in the event portal, it can take up to 10 minutes to receive your verification code. Your verification code will be sent from FOX Learning Programs events@familyoffice.com. 

    If you need assistance, please reach out to us at events@familyoffice.com

    Which technologies are you using? 

    CVENT Attendee Hub is our Showcase portal. 

    Zoom facilitates video streaming. 

    What device should I use? 

    Some employers prevent access to external conference platforms from corporate VPN accounts. You may find it easiest to use a personal device to access this event. 

    How do I access the sessions? 

    To access FOX Winter Technology and Risk Management Days sessions, click on “All Sessions”, at the top on the day you wish to participate in, and then the session you plan to attend. Once inside the session – click the “Join Session” button.  

    If you would like to attend a session other than the one you originally selected, visit the "All Sessions" tab. 

    What do I do now that I’ve logged in?

    We recommend:

    • Completing your profile.
    • Reviewing the “attendee” section.
    • Taking some time to become familiar with the portal, and the “All Sessions” page, where you will access the sessions.

    When should I log in to attend the session?

    We recommend you log into the portal at least five minutes prior to the session to ensure you have enough time to receive a verification code (if needed) and navigate to your session.

    Do I have to log in every time I visit the event?

    If you do not close your browser windows or log out of the workshop, you will not need to log in again. Otherwise, you will need to log in again.

    What is the time zone?

    All published times are in U.S. Central Time.

    Can other people see me, and if so – what is the dress code?

    Please note that participants can see each other on camera, and camera use is encouraged. Business casual attire is recommended.

    How can I change my visibility setting from hidden to visible or vice versa?

    Navigate to “edit your profile,” where you can change your visibility.

    My question isn’t here, how can I get additional help?

    Please email events@familyoffice.com and we’ll be delighted to assist you.