2024 FOX Family Forum
October 28: Reserved for family members, single family office executives, and invited industry leaders October 29-30: Open to all FOX members If y...
Learn from FOX experts, FOX members and other industry authorities, and engage in productive peer dialogue.
April 30, 2025: Reserved for family members, single family office executives, and invited industry leaders May 1-2: Reserved for family members, sin...
The wealth advisor business is in the throes of unprecedented change. This year’s FOX Wealth Advisor Forum™ will explore the trends and transformation...
The FOX Spring Global Investment Forum™ brings together the most sophisticated investors of private capital across the FOX community to address the pi...
The FOX Global Owners Forum™ returns in March 2017 to guide families on their enterprise journey. This event is programmed specifically for family mem...
Agenda | Exhibitors | Presenters | Venue & Accommodations | Materials Family members, family office executives, and advisors to families all may h...
Agenda | Exhibitors | Speakers | Venue & Accommodations | Materials The FOX Autumn Global Investment Forum™, September 15 in New York City, is des...
The FOX Financial Executives Forum is the industry’s premier event for critical family office updates and best practices. It’s the place to stay sharp...
We hope you will be able to join our wealth advisor members and FOX staff for a game of golf, networking and fellowship followed by refreshments and ...
On May 3-5, the focus of the wealth management world will be on Coral Gables, FL. The leading advisors will converge for the 2016 FOX Wealth Advisor F...
The FOX SPRING Global Investment Forum™ is a different kind of investment conference — it is for owners of investment capital and CIOs working for own...
Symposium - For Those Currently Operating a PFTC Examines how to maximize a PFTC’s potential for meeting a family’s needs and aspirations. Sessions wi...