Mid-Year Market & Investment Check Up: What Family Offices Need to Know to Navigate the Remainder of 2023 | 2023 FOX Family Office and Wealth Advisor Forum


As we head into the second half of the year, questions surrounding the global economy and financial markets remain. Is the U.S. headed for a recession? Will there be secondary effects from divergent Global Central Bank policies? Does the 2024 political cycle matter? And importantly, how should family offices invest capital given the current and future global market dynamics?

Join Fiducient Advisors’ Brad Long, CFA, Chief Investment Officer and Adam Newell, CFA, CFP, Director of Family Office Consulting, for their mid-year market updates and valuable investment insights.

Bradford L. Long, CFA, Partner, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Fiducient Advisors
Adam Newell, CFA, CFP, Partner, Director of Consulting, The Wealth Office, Fiducient Advisors
Moderated by Scott Muench, Managing Director, Core Membership, FOX

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